5 MarvelousMarvel Comics
Lately it seems like the Marvel Cinematic Universe(MCU) can do no wrong. With blockbusters like Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers: Age of Ultron, It looks like comic book culture is finally getting the respect it deserves. So in the love of all artistic mediums we have gathered 5 story arcs that every veteran or noob should read.

Behind The MusicAura the Band
Aura the Band is homegrown Miami band, stirring up the music scene with their eclectic sound. Songs like “Listening” and the newest single, “As I Fall”, remind me of a hybrid between The Black Keys and Janis Joplin. The four-piece act is composed of Aura/vocals/guitar, Mik/Lead guitar, Alex/Bass, and Anuar/Drums. The band has been together since 2013, writing music from inspired by life experiences. Miami, meet Aura the Band.

HYPE CITYSpring Edition
This is a curated selection of local events submitted to Tropicult by the South Florida community ― organized, categorized, and presented in chronological order, linked a complete listing with full event details, including venue and ticketing information.

Fuel YourInspiration!
Do you have a camera on you? Of course you do, it’s 2015. The real question is, what can you actually do with it? Besides taking selfies, that is. With that in mind, South Florida Ford and FilmGate present the Fordista MicroFilm Contest. Here are a few useful apps with great tools that may help you take home that $1k.

WMC 2k15
Your Miami Music Week Party Guide + Event Ticket Giveaways

Heineken TransAtlanticMusic Series:Budos Band
Concertgoers at this year’s Heineken TransAtlantic Festival are in for a real treat when The Budos Band takes the stage. Their music is cinematic. Instrumental and lush with dramatic musical passages, hearing The Budos Band and closing one’s eyes is like watching the opening sequence to a Tarantino flick or even better, a real 1970’s action/adventure.

HYPE CITYMarch Madness
Welcome to HYPE CITY! This is selection of events we’ve gathered throughout the month – organized, categorized, and presented in chronological order, with links to full event details, including maps and ticketing information.