Author Archives: SavorySinderella

Simply, Spasso:A Closer Bite withChef Gaetano Ascione
Coconut Grove has finally awakened from its culinary coma, transforming itself into the new “it” place to eat.

Top Cinco:Trick or Eats
SavorySinderella’s TOP CINCO Halloween Dining Guide

A Side Order ofHappiness
Savory Sinderella talked with Monika Aparicio, founder of Happiness in Miami, who’s serving food-love around Miami; donating meals [with a side of happiness] to those in need.

MiamiCulinary Tours
Next time you’re headed for diet derailment skip the dollar menu, invite your pilates class and share the ultimate “cheat day” with Miami Culinary Tours. They’ll not only keep your indiscretions classy, but cost-efficient and hey, there’s some walking involved too.