O M G! I WENT TO III POINTS THIS YEAR AND IT WAS… kinda okay. I spent most of the weekend sitting around inside these glowing pyramid things, dehydrated from dancing my ass off… The people were amazing! I met some really awesome artists, staff members and party people this weekend and made some really cool new friends too. So, I’m not going to dwell on the minor annoyances I have from this weekend because at the end of the day festivals are about people connecting.

Now, let me introduce you to some of my new friends…
This is Pow Pow. I didn’t ask, but I’m 99% sure she’s a model because before I had even finish setting-up my camera she had already hit her first pose like POW! POW! (Yes, that joke was corny, yes I laugh at my own jokes. don’t judge me).
ALISON + LATOYA #BlackLoveVaries
I met these 2 during one of my many, many, MANY, rehydration breaks under the pyramids. I love them so much! They were hands down the most adorable couple I spotted all weekend. Plus they actually took the time to converse with me, which as the social butterfly I am really pleased me. These are 2 very bright and very conscious young women and I enjoyed every moment of our interaction. While we were talking they specifically told me to tag their photo with the phrase “Black Love Varies” to combat the stereotypical, heteronormative photos often seen on social media tagged #BlackLove.

Speaking of adorable couples, there’s nothing more adorable than a couple that dances together. The couple that raves together, stays together. Am I right or am I right? The fact that they are both named Alex puts the cherry on top of this adorable cake of adorableness.
Ok enough of the couples, here is me looking amazing by the Black Hole stage after my friends ditched me to see Bonobo.
We didn’t get to talk much, her and I. I really loved what she was wearing, though. It looked like she thought up this outfit herself, for herself. This really stood out to me.
These 3 were fun to photograph, and they look super cool too. BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT MISS THING WITH THE PONYTAIL THO???! YAAAS BITCH YAAAS! YAAAS BITCH YAAAAAAAAS! When she hit that pose and lifted that ponytail I damn near hit the floor x_x.
Ok, so why are these girls so fly and why aren’t they part of my squadron though? The turn up was too real with these 2. Eyebrows on fleek. Hair on fleek. Dresses on fleek.
I found these 2 in working in the media lounge. I’d seen them around all weekend and I was glad to snag a few shots of them before it was over. Living proof that working an event should never stop you from serving a good look.

This guy was soooo cool. He’s the most talkative person I met all weekend. He actually started AND maintained a full conversation with me and my squad! Pardon my shock, this is a rarity in Miami. Also, he’s Australian, Cambodian, former model and now he’s a Veterinarian. So basically he’s a blockbuster romantic comedy IRL.
Spotted my friend talking to him in the media lounge and decided to grab a few pics. We actually ended up having nice chat too, he’s actually working on a streetwear line and it looks pretty dope so look out for that.

I was excited to run into Millionyoung on Sunday. He DJ’d at a pool party I covered this summer and I instantly became a fan. Unfortunately, I missed his set this weekend, but he said there was a good turnout. Not only does he dress well but he’s super chill too.