
Miami FilmmakersKickstarting Santastein!
Miami filmmakers wanting to involve the community in their latest project turn to Kickstarter to produce the horror/comedy movie Santastein.

Belgian BeautyShoots Short Film
Elena Bollette is a writer who came to Miami in 2018 to shoot a short film in Liberty City. One year later she has returned to the city to present the finished project which also includes a book. Read about her inspirations and see pictures in this exclusive interview.

Behind The Velvet Curtain:An Interview withJames Young
Young not only holds a beautiful flame stunt choreography, but continues to build beautifully upon it, which shows in his work on Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and in latest installment, “Captain America: Civil War” (which yields a few of these previous aforementioned goosebumps inciting moments from just the trailer alone).

Speaking InCinemawith Local Women Filmmakers
Earlier this month, Miami Beach Cinematheque with the support of the Knight Foundation, launched the seventh installment of the filmmaker discussion series, “Speaking In Cinema”. The series engage audiences in the appreciation and analysis of cinema as language and art, rather than escapist entertainment. In the past, the bi-monthly event has featured a local film critic, an out-of-town film critic, and a guest filmmaker. This year, they highlighted the works of three different Miami-based filmmakers at each installment, led by a visiting film expert, Filmmaker Magazine Editor in Chief Scott Macaulay.
Today we will introduce you to three of the filmmakers chosen.

The Strongest Man'sRoad to Sundance
Diliana Alexander asked Kenny Riches 10 questions on how he was able to capture Miami’s spirit animal so well in his feature film, The Strongest Man – can you guess what it is?

5 MarvelousMarvel Comics
Lately it seems like the Marvel Cinematic Universe(MCU) can do no wrong. With blockbusters like Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers: Age of Ultron, It looks like comic book culture is finally getting the respect it deserves. So in the love of all artistic mediums we have gathered 5 story arcs that every veteran or noob should read.

HYPE CITYSpring Edition
This is a curated selection of local events submitted to Tropicult by the South Florida community ― organized, categorized, and presented in chronological order, linked a complete listing with full event details, including venue and ticketing information.

Fuel YourInspiration!
Do you have a camera on you? Of course you do, it’s 2015. The real question is, what can you actually do with it? Besides taking selfies, that is. With that in mind, South Florida Ford and FilmGate present the Fordista MicroFilm Contest. Here are a few useful apps with great tools that may help you take home that $1k.

HYPE CITYMarch Madness
Welcome to HYPE CITY! This is selection of events we’ve gathered throughout the month – organized, categorized, and presented in chronological order, with links to full event details, including maps and ticketing information.

Fuel your inspiration with the Fordistas Micro-Film Contest!
South Florida Ford and FilmGate invite YOU to tell your story and share your own unique perspective of the world by entering the Fordistas Micro-Film Contest (plus, they’re offering a pretty decent shot at winning some extra ca$h money).

FilmgateA Celebration of Digital Media
We are in the midst of an interactive revolution and FilmGate invites YOU to dive in. Join the next generation of transmedia storytellers for a week long series of dynamic events and unique workshops. Connect, get inspired, create, be part of the innovative multimedia landscape of the third annual Filmgate Interactive Conference!

Little Haiti Rock City
Anyone who has ever gone to Churchill’s Pub has a unique story to tell about such special moments, most likely along with some amateur cell-phone footage. With seven days a week of live music spanning various genres and entertainment ranging from burlesque to poetry open mic, no two days at the two-stage pub are ever the same. And, Churchill’s Pub, also known as the CBGB of the South, boasts over 35 years of such fun in an unbridled, raw, and creative environment, where musicians and artists express themselves without pretense, intimately, to an open audience that has suspended their better judgment for an inebriated moment in time. This is definitely a place that needs to be documented, and there are as many stories to tell, as there are faces in the audience at a show.

We Bought the Wrong Damn Chickens
“We bought the wrong damn chickens…” Brandon Payne, Ti Laurent’s Production Manager, sighed as one of our Haitian colleagues, Widline made an unsuccessful attempt to shoo off a chicken that was supposed to be used in a key scene of the film. In it, the chicken needed to run comically fast, like in a Rocky training for a fight scene and be tackled by our main actor, Pedro. But our chicken calmly took two steps and continued to peck at the dirt. Brandon and Wildine had purchased the chickens from La Savanne, a crowded and depressing slum at the edge of La Cayes, where we were shooting some of the film. Bazil, the Haitian producer on the team, shook his head, “they must be Dominican chickens, Haitian chickens run,” laughter ensued. Producing in Haiti was like this, buying 10 chickens was relatively easy and cheap, but making the chickens run, difficult. Finding a hospital operating room to use was easy and free! But, finding a sausage to use as a prop proved impossible, as we found out after wasting two days navigating the intricacies of Haitian offerings, to finally end up with hot dogs.

CrossfadeHow EDM Transformed Miami
Crossfade: Electronic Music’s Transition into Society, a short film by Miami filmmaker, Catherine Skipp, documents the profound influence on the values and ideals of the listeners by exploring how electronic dance music has transitioned itself into society and become the defining format…
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