I went to FilmGate. This is what I captured.
Girl with blue-green hair: I found this girl at the Miami Light Box for the FilmGate opening and her outfit was one of the highlights of my evening. Very few people can make blue-green hair, a cosmic print shirt, a pink skirt and white shoes work together. This requires a lot of skill and creativity, which she obviously has.
Cassandra (girl in all black): This gorgeous girl is actually part of the Filmgate staff and I became quite obsessed with her over the entire week. Not only was she working her butt off all week but she also managed to save mine on numerous occasions. This look sums her up completely. Minimal, sexy, edgy, yet still professional. She looks ready to work hard and party after, which I’m pretty sure she did (this was taken right before the Jaquries after-party).

Futuristic Popcorn girl: The Futurestates event stuck to its theme of exploring a not-so-distant future by having this O cinema worker Channel her inner Zenon girl of the 21st century with this outfit. The future may look bleak, but at least the snack shop girls are cute (and shiny, oh so shiny).
Tall guy and girl with scarf: Caught these two right before they were about to experience the Jaquieries performance at the Carlton Hotel Saturday. I thought they were a couple, turns out they just met an hour before!Either way both of their outfits have a casual date night vibe to them. Denim on denim is always a win for me, regardless of what others might say.