In celebration of Women’s History Month, artist Diana Contreras brought together some of her favorite fellow female artists for the group exhibition “Girls Run this Motha#%” at Wynwood gallery WYN317. Opening on March 6th, the exhibition will feature works by Diana Contreras, Kazilla, Charlotte Oedekoven, Delvs, Miss Lushy, Lulu107 and Michelle Vasquez. As a common inspiration Beyoncé will be the theme for the exhibition and represent as a shining example of independence, power, talent, beauty and being a successful woman of the 21st century.
How would you describe your art?
Fun, happy, cute, childlike with a trippy LSD feel!
What subjects do you explore in your art?
It can be really anything… food, drugs, movies, my dogs, people, bunnies, bears, music, or all mixed at once.
What is your favorite medium?
I really enjoy spray paint. Nothing like having a wall as your canvas. I enjoy how much I’m still learning. You never stop learning.
How did you get involved in the group show “Girls run this Motha!#% ?”
Well, I was asked to be part of this exhibit by Diana Contreras and I jumped at the chance and said yes to be part of very talented group of women artist.
What does Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day mean to you?
It’s a celebration and appreciation of all women before and after me. Their struggle and what they have achieved against all odds. That’s what it represents to me.
Please tell us about your work in the exhibition.
Well, my work in the exhibition is inspired by Beyonce. She is practically my age and a woman that I can admire for everything she’s accomplished. Plus she’s a great performer. Any woman that has that drive and hunger is very admirable.
How do you interpret Girl Power in your art?
Well, actually, I never really looked at my art as girl power. When I create something it’s usually inspired by my funny imagination or stupid inside jokes or experiences with friends…More like Me Power!!
Which woman do you admire and why?
Wow, I admire a lot of women. Obviously my mom, my sister and the women in my family, because we are mostly women in my family and I’ve seen how hard they’ve worked to give us better lives. I have a lot of girlfriends I admire for who they are as people inside and out. Any woman that is her own person, loyal and humble.
What other projects are you currently working on?
Well, I am trying to paint more walls and create more art. I never can get enough.
What else do you have planned for 2014?
Plenty of new projects. Working on my website and new stickers. Hopefully more art exhibits and whatever else creative comes my way!!
Thank you for this interview. It was really fun!! I look forward to meeting you in person! I would like to thank Didi (Diana Contreras) and everyone participating in this bad ass exhibit and my other half Asik107, Cof SSK and of course my homies SSK!!!