Robin Van Arsdol

Robin Van Arsdol, better known throughout the art world as RV, is exhibiting his original paintings and sculpture at Kill Your Idol. The show runs through August, giving you plenty of time to head over to South Beach to witness the work by one of the pioneers of the 1980’s New York City street art movement.


Bad As I Want To Be-Get Faded with Jessy Nite

Jessy Nite has been working with Primary Projects for some time now. Her art is raunchy, provocative, and super rad – so expect to hear a lot more about her in the future. She uses stylized lettering to convey how much of a badass she is. Money, power, and partying are the common thread in most of Jessy’s work, so, thematically speaking, it’s like the gangster rap of typographic art. Her upcoming solo show at Primary Projects, ‘Bad As I Want To Be’ promises to be a balls-out spectacular of the artist’s wildest ideas and most radical designs. While we’d like to give you an in-depth of everything she has in store, it’s probably better if you just take our word for it and go check it out for yourself this Saturday.
