
HYPE CITYSpring Edition
This is a curated selection of local events submitted to Tropicult by the South Florida community ― organized, categorized, and presented in chronological order, linked a complete listing with full event details, including venue and ticketing information.

HYPE CITYMarch Madness
Welcome to HYPE CITY! This is selection of events we’ve gathered throughout the month – organized, categorized, and presented in chronological order, with links to full event details, including maps and ticketing information.

Behind the Music:SUNGHOSTS
Despite only being together for a year, Sunghosts have the sound and stage presence of an established, professional band and are well on their way to becoming local legends.

MiamiCulinary Tours
Next time you’re headed for diet derailment skip the dollar menu, invite your pilates class and share the ultimate “cheat day” with Miami Culinary Tours. They’ll not only keep your indiscretions classy, but cost-efficient and hey, there’s some walking involved too.