By Savannah McClelland
The first time you listen to Jean Jacket, it will be incredibly difficult to think of a way to describe the act; the slightly surreal, dreamlike quality of the songs is without a ready comparison in music today.
Harlowe G, the mastermind behind the act, weaves complex melodies and beats with yearning, emotional vocals to paint a picture of agonizing loss and intense desire on the first, self-titled release. The nine-track album was released on Decades Records on March 25th, the culmination of a year of work.
Jean Jacket’s sound, hazy and almost delirious, captures quiet moments and emotive upheavals, painting pictures with a balance of sonic precision and atmospheric vagueness. Harlowe’s compositions are at once easy to understand and impenetrable, a complex tapestry that has to be felt instead of analyzed. His debut album is full of promise, with the hard work and hours of dedication evident from the first moments of “Super Party Cups.” The whole album is a testament to his attention to detail and immense vision and lives up to the standard for any truly great piece of work by an artist: it stays fresh after multiple listens, with new sounds and slants coming to the fore only after you’ve listened to it a few times.
Je5n Jacket’s live show features not only Harlowe’s talents, but a rotating roster of supporting musicians, as well as customized projections designed specifically to work with the complex sounds of Jean Jacket’s songs. The best way to understand how incredible Jean Jacket really is, is to see the act live; fortunately, Harlowe will be celebrating the release of his self-titled album on April 11th, at Vagabond in Miami. Supporting the album release party will be another great act, CRSTYLZD. It will be an amazing night with great music, a can’t-miss occasion.