Rhythm Foundation

The Power of Music:José González & Luluc
It’s a beautiful sentiment, and one spoken of often but rarely actually witnessed in person, like lightning striking in the same place twice. The Rhythm Foundation pulled it off with perfect ease, wrapping up this season of their fourth year of free shows held at the venue while having José González kick off his US tour on Monday. It was a perfect serendipity, and the night couldn’t have demonstrated it any better.

HYPE CITYSpring Edition
This is a curated selection of local events submitted to Tropicult by the South Florida community ― organized, categorized, and presented in chronological order, linked a complete listing with full event details, including venue and ticketing information.

Heineken TransAtlanticMusic Series:Budos Band
Concertgoers at this year’s Heineken TransAtlantic Festival are in for a real treat when The Budos Band takes the stage. Their music is cinematic. Instrumental and lush with dramatic musical passages, hearing The Budos Band and closing one’s eyes is like watching the opening sequence to a Tarantino flick or even better, a real 1970’s action/adventure.

Heineken TransAtlantic FestivalMusic Series:BLUEJAY
Bluejay is a local pop sensation coming to rock the Heineken TransAtlantic Festival, Miami style!

World Music Guide
Take a musical journey with us around the world, as we explore this year’s TransAtlantic lineup.