Fun Facts AboutNikki Bravo

Did you know the event started by Nikki Bravo has been around longer than Instagram? Read fun facts about this Miami native and see photos from over the years!


THE Magic City'sVanishing Venues Act

Miami became the “Magic City” in the early 1900’s due to its rapid development, apparently rising out of the sea as a full blown city seemingly overnight. But now, that same rapidity is perverting the soul of the city and performing a vanishing act with our most vibrant and historical entertainment venues.

DISCLAIMER: I am just another local artist but unlike transplanted locals, I was born and raised in Miami. I have experienced these things first hand and can see how they’re affecting our tight-knit community. Please allow me to elaborate on my slack-jawed, “Wow!” Well, it must have taken one helluva powerful magic potion with a vast variety of spices to concoct something that would slowly fool this city. Here’s the recipe.
