Heineken TransAtlanticMusic Series:Budos Band
Concertgoers at this year’s Heineken TransAtlantic Festival are in for a real treat when The Budos Band takes the stage. Their music is cinematic. Instrumental and lush with dramatic musical passages, hearing The Budos Band and closing one’s eyes is like watching the opening sequence to a Tarantino flick or even better, a real 1970’s action/adventure.

World Music Guide
Take a musical journey with us around the world, as we explore this year’s TransAtlantic lineup.

El Presidente
Recently, yours truly, Orlando Vega, founded Congreso Cubano, now a popular latin pop-up restaurant in New Orleans. I wanna share a recipe with you that my partner in crime, Rick Ostry, and I have been serving up. As a Miami native, it reminds me particularly of home because it includes so many of my favorite ingredients. It’s basically a layer-cake of savory Latin goodness with influences from many places. I highly recommend making it in bulk for large parties as its an affordable dish to scale up and its the holidays so why not share? One note, get started on this dish early!