FilmgateA Celebration of Digital Media

We are in the midst of an interactive revolution and FilmGate invites YOU to dive in. Join the next generation of transmedia storytellers for a week long series of dynamic events and unique workshops. Connect, get inspired, create, be part of the innovative multimedia landscape of the third annual Filmgate Interactive Conference!


What Makes A Great Script

Indie Tips via Indie Film Club Miami A wise professor once told me when making a film, you can take risks on one of these three elements: the director, the script, or the cast. The other two elements should be solid.…


Phillip Bloom Miami x Interactive Film

Philip Bloom is an industry veteran of 23 years of which he spent a large portion working in broadcast news and documentaries. What turned Philip into an idol for many independent filmmakers though is his pioneering work with DSLR and affordable large sensor camcorders.

Basically, he showed us all that gorgeous images are possible on a pretty low budget. We all rushed to buy a Canon 7D or even better 5D, then visited his website religiously, along with over a million other fans, hungry for the next free video tutorial.


Not Your Ordinary Film Series:The Burning Moon

We are pleased to introduce the Independent Film Club Miami (IFCM) an organization dedicated to the next generation of local filmmakers and film enthusiasts. Of course, there is a film community in South Florida! Surprised? The Independent Film Club Miami will cover local film happenings and original, bold, intrepid films and filmmakers via a new series on Tropicult. IFCM attended the screening of The Burning Moon at O Cinema and sat in a dark room with Jillian Mayer to present to you this delightfully frightening series premiere….
