Rachel Deahl: Publishing 101

Wednesday, May 6 2015

6:00 PM-9:00 PM

Writing is solitary work – publishing takes a team. This crash-course aims to shed light on the ABC’s of publishing, both via traditional houses and self-publishing. The first half will focus on navigating the realms of traditional publishing, starting with an explanation of the Big 5 houses, mid-size players and independents, and how they all tend to operate. We’ll explore fundamentals such as what is covered in your contract, how to get an agent and what to expect of them, how the buying of rights works, and what to expect from a publisher once you land a deal.

The second half of the course will be dedicated to the basics of self-publishing. We’ll discuss the biggest self-publishing platforms and how to choose the right one for your work, how and when to consult outside professionals before you self-publish, how to monetize your self-published work, and finally, the importance of branding and how to market your work.
Rachel Deahl is a writer and editor with more than ten years of experience covering book publishing. As news director at Publishers Weekly she writes about business trends, technology, self-publishing and rights. She also writes a weekly column about book deals (called Deals), that details the hottest projects being acquired at the major publishers. She is the author of the Publishers Weekly original e-book, Publishing 101, and has been a speaker at various conferences, including SXSW, BookExpo America, Miami Book Fair International and The Frankfurt Book Fair.

Miami-Dade College - Wolfson Campus

300 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL, 33132

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