Opening Reception – Following the Line

Girls’ Club presents Following the Line, featuring works by thirty international artists using hand-drawn line as the primary unit of expression. Curated by Miami gallerist Carol Jazzar, the works in Following the Line are created in many mediums, including graphite, ink, colored pencil, layered mylar, etching, aquatint, lithography and hand-drawn animation.

Manifesting the close connection to the artist’s hand and thought, drawings have historically been defined as intimate. Some are smaller in scale. Some are conceived as preparatory to final works in other media. Drawings may commit fleeting, ephemeral concepts to paper, itself a less permanent support. The persistent vitality of drawing today, developing alongside high tech digital and moving image media, will be emphasized. Linear works that owe their inspiration to drawing will craft an “expanded” definition of drawing in use today.

A catalog designed by Augusto Mendoza will accompany the exhibition and includes essays by curator Carol Jazzar, independent curator and writer Sue Spaid, and poetry by Denise Duhamel.

A year-long schedule of artist talks, workshops and film screenings invite the public to share Girls’ Club’s investigation of drawing in contemporary art. For details of events visit:

Exhibition on view:
November 2, 2012 – September 30, 2013

Image Credits: Nicola López, “Bone Dry” (2009)

Bargain Barn Thrift Shop

2233 NW 1st Court, Miami, FL, 33127

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