Artists in Action! with Christina Pettersson

Friday, May 15 2015

7:00 PM-9:00 PM

Hear Christina Pettersson speak about her work, creative inspirations, and recent projects. Talk is free and open to the public. Seating is limited.

Christina Pettersson’s work explores resurrection and savage demise on a grand scale once reserved for history painting. Her large graphite works on paper reference classic mythology and literature, and include herself as the recurring female figure surrounded by animals, most particularly birds. Seen altogether, these figures act as augurs or prophets, foretelling the future from the past, yet apprehensive of the omens. These otherworldly landscapes reveal a deep allegiance to the wilderness of a bygone era, and the experience of a world in decline. Rooted in a highly Romantic tradition, they embody a restless spirit, a longing for the unbounded and indefinable, and fervent emotion as the truest source of visual experience.

Each Artists in Action! presenter is also commissioned by Girls’ Club to produce a limited edition multiple for sale. These editions are affordably priced and welcome new, emerging collectors to engage with local artists and add to or start a contemporary art collection of their own!

For more information visit our website:
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Girls Club Collection

117 NE 2nd Street, Fort Lauderdale , FL, 33301

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