Ain’t Love Grand — /the hours strange Presents Debut EP

Thursday, September 10 2015

10:00 PM-12:00 AM

On Thursday, September 10th at 10 p.m., /the hours strange will play songs from their debut EP, Ain’t Love Grand, at Libertine Miami. The band collaborated with Grammy award-winning producer Tweety Gonzalez on the music, as well as an international group of video artists—including Daniela Luna and Maximiliano Gerscovich of Buenos Aires, Parisian author/model/TV personality Audrey Mazens, and Miami’s beloved own Veronica Gessa—to create a custom backdrop for the performance.

The band was just in Buenos Aires at El Pie Recording Studios, finishing mixes with Tweety. The resulting songs, tango-inspired “Closer” (“Not gonna close my eyes / not gonna speak, move, or breathe / not gonna fall for the fever’s tease / not even if he ‘please-please-please'” ) and the quirky-sexy “Medianoche” (“Thank God the walls are thick / and the couple next door is deaf / I don’t think this chair was meant / to hold us both…”), are now available for streaming on the band’s website:

/the hours strange is the musical expression of countless conversations that Jette Kelly and Charlie T. have on books, films, photography, and other people’s songs. Musically, the band can’t hide their fondness for Mono, Garbage, Massive Attack, Beach House, and Lana del Rey, but without sounding like any of them. The debt owed to Tom Waits, Nick Cave, and Leonard Cohen is paid for by the intensity of the tracks.

Libertine Miami

40 NE 11th Street, Miami, FL

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