WWI Film Series: “Wings” (1927)
Friday, February 27 2015
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Calling all classic film fans, history buffs, and American culture junkies for “In the Trenches,” our three-part series of First World War-era films. Curated and introduced by Frank Luca, The Wolfsonian’s Chief Librarian, this series explores the comedy, tragedy, and horror of the Great War through the actors and filmmakers who lived through it.
The second film in the series won the very first Academy Award for Best Picture in 1927. “Wings” is a romantic action war picture in which two young men, one rich and one middle class, both become fighter pilots and fall in love with the same woman played by Clara Bow, the original “it girl” and leading sex symbol of the roaring twenties.
Free and open to the public.
Presented with support from the Florida Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
More info: