The Bungalow Bazaar
Tuesday, July 16 2019
12:00 PM-7:00 PM
To celebrate Miami Swim Week, The Gates Hotel South Beach will have an interactive retail popup in the hotel’s lobby in partnership with the The Bungalow Bazaar on July 16 and 17 from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. . The Bungalow Bazaar is a traveling boutique specializing in women’s resort wear from emerging designers curated by Dana Goldberg, a Miami-based fashion expert. The mobile boutique will provide hotel guests and Miami locals with a fun, relaxing and personal shopping experience during Miami Swim Week. Visit the lobby to experience Miami’s most stylish resort and swimwear designs and meet industry professionals during the summer’s most exclusive fashion event. Notable brand participants include Lexie Jordan Jewelry, Just Bee Queen, Muche et Muchette, Meskita, Poska Resortwear, Kaari Swim, and more!