Studio Tour, Open House at #omm305

Thursday, December 7 2017

9:00 PM-12:00 PM

Meet the artists Kevin Arrow and Barron Sherer, principles of Obsolete Media Miami (O.M.M.) an experimental art studio, media, picture and moving image archive and resource for artists, designers, filmmakers,researchers and writers. “Bloody Mary Lufts” will be served in honor of Mary Luft, O.M.M. supporter and long time doyen of the local art, music and performance scene.

O.M.M. is located in”The Madonna Building” in Miami Design District. Arrow and Sherer are both recent recipients of South Florida Cultural Consortium Fellowships, come by and see what’s happening at their studio!

O.M.M. was launched in 2015 with support from the Miami Design District, a Cannonball Miami and Andy Warhol Foundation for the Arts grant. Later that year, O.M.M. was a recipient of a Knight Foundation Knight Arts Challenge grant.

Obsolete Media Miami [OMM 5]

NW 39th St, Wynwood, FL, 33127

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