Intro To Chakras
Wednesday, March 2 2016
All Day
This workshop is a two-hour introduction to the chakras. In addition to this intro, there are seven individual 2-hour workshops, each focusing on one chakra.
The seven individual workshops follow at the same time and location on Wednesdays through the end of April. Join us for one or all of these transformative workshops.
In this workshop you’ll explore the seven major energetic centers along your spine from root to crown. Through different restorative yoga postures intended to open each center and information about the functions of each, you’ll have the opportunity to create internal awareness around your life experiences and how they may be stored in your physical, mental, and emotional bodies.
This workshop will include journaling, discussion, meditation, and a restorative asana practice.
Please bring:
A journal and a pen
A firm pillow and two blankets
A yoga mat
Comfortable clothes and a layer for warmth
An open heart and mind
MADE Members $25
Non-Members $40
(This pricing is for the Introduction and per individual workshop. There is a possibility to pay for the entire series of 1-7 at a discounted rate. Please email natalia@sitprettynow for more information.)