THE VISITA Universal Canvas by Michael Powell

Celebrating the internet and all that is digital and interactive, Tropicult and artist Michael Powell proudly present The Visit, a web-based artwork inspired by the luminary artwork of Picasso.

The Visit is accesible to anyone with an internet connection by visiting:

Once inside,  users can draw with Picasso or collaborate in real time on an appropriated, altered looping video of Picasso painting on a large sheet of glass overlaid the online canvas. Visitors are able to draw alone, or with the click of a button, switch on the universal collaborative canvas mode to join anyone on the public domain. Draw with your mouse at home or on the go on your favorite touch screen device.  

Picasso paints from the virtual world & we paint back!


The Visit was created by Michael Powell, artist and cultural instigator based in St. Louis, MO. He received his BA from UC Santa Barbara, MFA from Washington University in St. Louis. His work, described by St. Louis Public Radio as a “captivating soup of cosmic dreaming and reality testing,” incorporates video, artist books, installation, performance and the web. Powell is also the founding director of a number of arts initiatives throughout the country, including the peer-review online publication, Uncompromising Tang, The Transversal Project, and The International Artserve (Spring 2016). Computer Science Advisors: Emma Powell, Sunny Rajan. CSS Collaborator: Jess Peterson.
